The Invitation Equation:
Child's age + 1 = happy kids
For children under 8 years old, invite as many children as the child's age plus one. Some parents choose to add 1 or 2 to this equation. Only you can know your limits. Of course, as your child gets much older the formula will need revision.
Obviously this is just a guideline. Before you begin to plan your party think about your limits, strengths and weaknesses as well as the party area available to you. For example...As a former pre-K teacher and a children's entertainer...I thrive on the chaos a group of children can ensue.
As a matter of fact I'm more comfortable entertaining kids than adults. A larger kids party, is fine with me. If however, you feel overwhelmed by a just a few children in your home you will want to keep your party on the small side. It will actually be more fun, because you'll feel more relaxed.
Who to Invite
Parties for very young children, more often than not will include family members; cousins, siblings etc.
As your child gets older, invite only your child's closest playmates. They already know each other well which makes the party so much more fun! Think about friends from daycare, school, Sunday school, special relatives and neighbors.
It's not mandatory that you invite the siblings of your child's friends, or even parents (unless children are very young). Most parents enjoy the break and you won't feel so much pressure to entertain adults.
No Leave Anyone Out
This is a common dilemma, especially when your children begin to attend school. Try to be discreet by mailing the invitations. Speak with the teacher about coming in for a brief and simple class party. Bring a small party bag (pencils, stickers, balloon) and treat for every student.
No one should go home a loser!
Competitive games are enjoyable only for the people who win. A party should be fun...Avoid tears by selecting games where everyone gets a chance to succeed. For example, if it's a game like musical chairs, when a player is called "out", assign that player the task of playing the music.
After one round, that player will rejoin the group. Better yet, plan a few cooperative games, in which the whole gang faces a challenge, such as following a treasure map, then they each receive a prize or split the treasure evenly.
What Should Be Prepared
Try setting up your party in activity stations to lead the children in the direction of the party focus. The stations need not be fancy or expensive. The birthday child can pick what they want to do i.e. blocks at one station, dollhouse at another, play dough at another etc. You should not need more than four stations. (suggestions are included in ALL of our Party themes) Prepare ALL of the activities, games etc. before the party. This enables you to focus on the kids when the party begins.
Ask a friend , family member or neighbor to help with the party. It's likely you have a neighborhood teenager who would love to help, when offered a few dollars for their time.
Party Favors
In choosing party favors, it's better to spend more creativity than money. Give a wonderful thank you item/items that reflects the party theme; a flower pot and seeds for a garden party, modeling clay for an art party. You can even send the kids home with a treasure they've made during the party. The birthday child should hand out the favors. This will remind her to say "thank you".